Saturday, 16 May 2020

All about sound

Kererū Lockdown Learning
Welcome to Week 5 
Nau mai, Haere mai
We have been super busy this week. 

 At the start of the week, Kererū listened to a book which was called 'All About Sound', written by Lisa Trumbauer.
We found out how sounds were created, how they travel and how it is heard.

Our first activity was to look around our house and find 4 things that can make sounds and draw them.  Next we had to go outside and listen for 4 different sounds we could hear, and then draw them.
Have a look at our 'Sounds' we can hear and make.
Both Miss Veldon and I are very proud of Kererū, with their great participation during our zoom meetings and their amazing work that they have been sending in...

Let's have a look at the sounds we can hear and make

Archer  did a great job, finding his 4 things around his house that can make sounds,
  Two b
locks, a drum, a box lid and a ukulele !!! Rawe!

Look at all the wonderful things Archer can hear outside. 
Great drawings Archer!! Tinō pai.

Olivia Y
Olivia and Cynthia doing a GREAT job of working together, to find things that make sound!! Kapai kōrua!!

Look at the awesome ways. Olivia 
 can make sounds. She can use
Two cups, a set of keys, snapping your fingers, and  a book to make sounds. Tū meke!!

Have a listen to Bella's sounds!!!

Here are some more sounds that Bella has shared of what she can hear and make.
1.The heart sounds like " lub, dub" 2. Bella is screaming. (because there is a dinosaur over there) 3. The bunny is squeaking. 4. The fairy is talking.
Ka nui te pai Bella!!


Wow! Sarah you have found some great sounds in your house. 
I especially like your saxophone and your alarm clock!!
Tinō Miharo!! Amazing

You could hear  hands clapping,
a beat on a drum, the strum of a guitar,
and the sound of whistling!!
Tinō pai tō whakarongo Theo!!!

"Theo says my lips make the sound for the horn. My lips vibrate to make the sound. And in the ukulele the strings make the sound"
Naomi you have been listening very carefully to the sounds that are outside... I especially like how you have drawn, your wind and radio!!

              Check out some more amazing work from Kererū.              

Charlie has been doing some fantastic work with practicing his writing.  Tinōpai tō tuhituhi !!

This is Charlie's picture of his new blanket that his 
very clever Nana crocheted for him.

Look at Lily-Teila's beautiful bucket.
 I really like that you feel good an happy while doing a superb job at filling yours and other peoples buckets

 You have done a fantastic job, Sione with building your
amazing cardboard house. Ka nui te pai Sione


Bruno made a cupboard truck carrying blueberries, orange and some parts.

To our parents
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your amazing support through out our online distance learning, while Aotearoa has been in lockdown. Both Miss Veldon and I would have not been able to run our successful programme if it was not for all your hard work from home. 
Ngā mihi māhana mō tō tautoko o tenei kaupapa
o tenei wa o ngā matua.


  1. Wow Kereru, you are so creative. The different sounds you found around your house were fantastic. And the amazing pieces of art work you have made. Looks like you made the most of lockdown with the support of your wonderful teachers Whaea Anita and Miss Velden.

  2. Salam Kereru, you areguys are so good at creating things`. The sounds that you guys found around the house were amazing. And the amazing pieces of art work you have made.
    If you want to see my blog go to

  3. Hey kereru. I have been enjoying reading what yous guys have been doing during class. I really like how yous guys are learning more new things. Good work on yous guys. If you want come visit my blog.


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