Monday, 27 April 2020

Piwakawaka's lockdown learning continued....

Piwakawaka has been so busy learning at home. While you are looking through our pictures, see if you can find the following:
1. A sketch of our soft toys and a written description
2. Some acrostic poems
3. People playing and exploring outside
4. Baking, lego building and playdough squishing
5. Lockdown diaries being completed
6.ANZAC day poppies and people wrapped up on their driveways
7. Eliza's super diorama art 










  1. Hi Piwakwaka
    What amazing work you have all been doing! I am enjoying looking at all your fabulous photos. I made poppies for my window too and a wreath from plants in my garden, to hang on my letterbox. Do you know what a wreath is? Maybe you can find out by asking someone at home or looking for a picture on google. Our neighbours all gathered by their letterboxes at 6am for our little Anzac service. It was very different to our usual dawn parade at the museum. After that we have McDonald’s for breakfast but this year I had to cook our special breakfast!
    Keep up the wonderful work and keep sending those photos. Be kind to your whanau. Stay safe in your bubble.
    From Mrs Mackenzie

  2. Hi Piwakawaka, Wow, wow, wow, what a lot of fabulous work you have been doing. I enjoyed looking at all the lockdown learning you have been so busy doing! I found pictures of all seven things that Miss Lane suggested we hunt for. I like how you have all been doing so many different things! You all look so happy sharing your awesome work.
    Keep working hard and keep sending those wonderful pictures to Miss Lane so she can share them with us all.
    You are all bright shining stars!

  3. Hi Piwakawaka. What amazing work you have all been doing. I really enjoyed reading your writing and looking at your beautiful art work. Well done with the acrostic poems. {they are my favourite type of poem}. Looks like you have all been keeping very busy. I can't wait to see what you have been up to next. Keep busy, be kind , take care! Hopefully see you soon

  4. Amazing pictures I love the pictures of the people standing out side with blankets around them. Love Anna in the middle school.

  5. I like your pictures Piwakawaka. I have done pictures too. It's nice to see you again. Eliza - what was your favourite part of making your ocean?

    1. Awesome question for Eliza, thank you Danielle! Maybe next time you comment, you could leave a link to your blog so that the Junior students can see what you've been doing.

  6. hey piwakawaka.i liked the way you drew your teddys.and i loved all your hard work you guys have been doing. what is your favourite thing to build with lego? i like trying to build the sky tower you guys should give it a go

    1. What a super comment! You've given positive feedback and asked a thoughtful question, thank you. I wonder what the students' answers will be?

  7. I like the toys. mady next time you can make a vid. were did you get the toy

    1. What a cool idea to make a video Chantz? You also asked a good question - great commenting skills!

  8. Hello piwakawaka I like the Lego you have been making. That cake looks really yummy. How did you make the play dough ?

    1. That's a good question Dante, I wonder if someone will share the recipe with us? Thanks for your comment.

  9. Lively exercise
    Outstanding toy pictures
    Very interesting stories
    Exciting poems

    Yellow Pikachu and leaves
    Ocean and octopus
    Up early
    Red and green playdough

    Windows full of poppies
    Outdoor play
    Rope whizzing around
    Keep being awesome Piwakawaka

    Miss Ward


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