Sunday, 7 June 2020

Kererū Term 2, W9

Tena koutou katoa
We have had a fantastic start back to school. Everyone in Kererū has been super busy.
Let's have a look at some of our learning

Making things using different shapes


Awesome tower, Sione

We have been learning how to throw, and catch a ball. Spin hula hoops Jump, stretch out our bodies, curl  our bodies up into a ball.
Have a look at what we can do!
Can bounce and catch the ball !!
Ka Rawe Dainny.

Can throw a ball up and catch it!!!
Tū meke Monae.

Can spin a hula hoop on the ground!!
Ka nui te pai Archer.

Is able to spin a hula hoop using her arm!!

Great job Sarah!!
Tino pai rawa atu

 Go Sione !!!
Pai rawa atu nei

Time to curl up into a ball
Kapai korua.
and now stretch out our bodies.

We have been working very hard, learning how to form our letters,
We have been learning how to write a tall stick, cricket leg, sloping sticks.













  1. WOW Keruru!!! You guys have done some pretty amazing things. It's so cool to see your creativity go into your models made of shapes. I love how you guys used different colours and shapes. You guys have so much skills in gymnastics. I can't believe how much awesome things you can do with hula hoops, balls and yourselves. You guys are really improving on your handwriting. Fabulous work. Thank you so much for sharing your incredible work, Keruru. You guys should be very proud of yourselves. I hope you enjoyed school today. Have a great night, bye!!!

  2. Kia ora Kereru! Nice to me you all my name is Arielle I am in Te Waka ako. I see that you have learnt a lot over the year and I am a new student looking back at your older posts! I agree with Rael FABULOUS EFFORT! I see you guys have been doing some gymnastics and doing passes to each other. I am looking around at you and seeing how much you will grow into a noble,Kind and independent people. You know since I came here I have been looking over at you and imagening what I would look like if I were in those little shoes of yours. I hope your welcoming new kids too like one I know Monae (Erana's cousin) Not just her but everyone around you! A little fun fact: I wasn't really good at gymnastics! Well I hope you enjoyed school so have a good sleep and here is my blog if you want to read it ok blog ya later!

  3. Hi, I am Kali and I love how you guys created stuff and things out of blocks.

  4. Kia Ora Kereru. My name is Brittany and I am in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary School. It is nice to meet you all. It sounds like you have been doing a lot of work this year. Wow gymnastics and handwriting sounds like so much fun. Great job guys! I think you should be very proud of yourselves. It reminded me of when I was younger and I used to do gymnastics. Thank you so much for sharing all your work you have been doing. If you want to vist my blog go to
    Blog you later!

  5. Kia Ora Kereru its me Paige I am in Mokaroa.I like how you were making stuff with just shapes, that is very creative! Also your handwriting is very good keep the good work up! Ka pai!

  6. Salaam Kereru,
    My name is Aamena and I am a student in room Manukau from Waikowhai Primary School. Wow! You guys have been doing a lot of Gymnastics. Did you guys have fun when you came back to school? It reminds me when I was a junior doing Gymnastics. Thank You so much for sharing your learning! I would like you to visit my blog on

  7. Hi Kakapo, You know me I am Peitynn from Waikowhai Primary School. It looks like you had a lot of fun making shapes. I really liked how you guys put a small description of the day and put lots of photos of the day! Ka Pai! But anyway thank you for sharing your blog with me I would like you to see my blg and write a comment at
    Blog you later!!!

  8. Hola Kereru,

    My name is Pao in Te Waka Ako at Waikowhai Primary. It is so nice to see you all have fun doing this activities. Gymanstics sounds sooo fun! Did you guys learn anything new? I cant wait for anymore fun blogs from all of you!

    Here is my my blog link

    -Pao :)


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